Rules & Regulations
Parents are requested to read the diary and enter their specimen signature wherever required.
We welcome all the students to our fold of Vianney School. We are here to guide and encourage you and make this year, a year of success and fulfilment. This diary is given to be made use of, in the best possible manner in your curriculum. It should be brought to the school daily and all the record of work assigned to you should be entered without fail. Show the diary to your parents regularly so that it can be a source of help to the parents, teachers and you to work together in a harmonious and co-operative manner, in every respect.
- A student should have minimum 80% attendance in a year to be eligible to appear for the annual examination.
- Absence from any test or examination involves loss of marks.He / She may not be considered for any proficiency prizes.
- Students found using unfair means while writing examination/test, will not be allowed to write any other examination/test, their admission stands cancelled. If parents want, the ward can repeat the same class or leave the school with T.C.
- Examinations shall not be anticipated or postponed for individual students. Examinations missed or failed will not be conducted again on any accounts.
- Promotions will be decided on the performance of the students throughout the year.
- Grade 'D' is the minimum pass in every subject. Grade 'E' means failure in the subject.
- If a student fails in the same class for two successive years, he/she shall not be allowed to continue in the school.
- If a student is absent for the examination on medical grounds, he / she should produce a valid medical certificate to the school authorities in advance.
- Students have to bring their own instrument box, pen, pencil, scale & eraser. No other things should be brought to the examination hall.
- Results declared by the principal are final and will not be reconsidered on any grounds.
Possession / use of any explosive material/fire crackers/splashing colors or use of any other devices/items on any occasions which disrupt the peaceful atmosphere of the institution, is strictly forbidden. Such activities are intolerable and sufficient reason in themselves for dismissal of the students without assigning any reasons. In case of any destructive activities which violate this rule - T.C. will be issued immediately to the guilty students
10 days notice stating reasons for withdrawing his / her child should be stated in the requisition letter of withdrawal. T.C. can be obtained from the office only after 10 days. T.C. will be issued only on payment of all dues.
Grading system as per CBSE rules.
- Students are urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by their manners and general behavior.
- Students should come to the school in time for prayer, clad in proper and clean school uniform.
- They should be polite, friendly and well behaved in and outside the school. They should be respectful to their elders and teachers and be honest and truthful at all times.
- As far as possible, cleanliness, silence and attention to work and respect to teachers and companions are to be maintained. The class room should be looked upon as a place of reverence and discipline. The students should be gentlemanly in their behavior at all times and in all places.
- They must be orderly, clean in their persons and neatly dressed and also co-operative to maintain the school order.
- When students move along corridors or up and down the stairs; when they change classes they should walk in silence and the rule is "keep left".
- Students found indulging in in disciplinary activities like damaging school furniture etc. will be admonished and the damage will be made good by the students.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without proper, valid reasons and prior permission of the principal.
- Students found in the class during P .T., Library and Morning Assembly, shall be severely dealt with.
- Students should not be in possession of any other books like comics etc., other than school and library books.
- School is not responsible for goods or money lost or borrowed.
- Girls are not permitted to wear any jewellery, apply nail polish, lipstick etc.
- No student should be seen roaming around on flimsy grounds or getting a pencil/pen/book from his/her friends in other classes.
- Birthday celebration of a student in school is restricted to only distribution of toffees.
- Student's parents are not permitted to give any gifts to teachers on their birthdays or on any other occasion.
- Students will be allotted different houses, there being four houses in the school : Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. She/he will have to abide by all rules and regulations to obtain marks for the house. Her/his performance in group activities, active participation, discipline and speaking in English in the school premises will fetch them negative or positive marks, which will be finally taken into consideration at the time of examination, particularly preparing the results of the examination.
- Students should reach school in time. If late to school, the school is authorized to send them back home. For later consequences the school will not be responsible.
- The students should follow the rule of keeping to the left while climbing up the stairs.
- Students absenting themselves should produce a valid leave letter signed by any one of the parents / guardian.
- Students who are absent for more than 5 consecutive days, should produce a leave letter or medical Certificate. If sick, obtain the permission of the principal to attend the class. The concerned student should submit the medical certificate on the date of joining the institution. It will not be accepted later.
- The names of the students who are absent without leave letter for five consecutive days will be struck off. These students have to take re-admission and pay a fee of Rs. 1000/-
- Students should pay the fees on or before 20th of April, August, November. If fee is not paid before 25th of the said months, his/her name shall be struck off from the School rolls.
- Students should be particularly careful to avoid throwing of papers and food-stuff anywhere in the school premises, except in the bins provided for the purpose.
- They should at all cost avoid writing, scraping and scratching on the walls and furniture. Such habits are detrimental to good education and a sign of low tastes.
- No fines or collections for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the previous sanction of the Principal. So also presentation of gifts to the members of the staff require previous sanction.
- In the absence of the teacher, the monitor assumes responsibility for order and discipline of the class. He/She should fulfill his/her duty with loyalty and impartiality.
- Students who are given some responsibility in accordance with the direction of the Principal or the teacher deputed by him, should consider it a service to the school and their fellow students.
- No collective petition or complaint will be entertained but responsible and private ones will be sympathetically attended to.
- Students must attend physical education, games and other activities . Participation on such occasions will be deemed compulsory by the school authorities.
- Parents can meet teachers on every second Saturday of the month in the permissible time period i.e. between 8.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m.. The teachers cannot be approached on any other working day of the week. Parents can meet the teachers on Wednesday by 2-2:30pm.
- All pupils should come to school dressed in proper school uniform. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in this regard to enforce discipline in children and see that their children come in neat and tidy uniform and shoes as per school regulations.
- Students should submit their class work and home work, note books periodically for correction and these will be scrutinized by the Principal. If any student is found irregular he/she will be punished.
- Boys are not allowed to grow their hair and should have their hair dressed periodically.
- Students, should be prepared to submit fee slips, whenever required for verification. It is necessary to check the defaulters.
- Students photographs for attestation should be in school uniform.
- There is no provision for half-day, for the students. No student will be permitted to go home once he/she comes to school; except in any emergency. Parents are not expected to ask for taking the student home, during the working hours.